Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I-70 Drug Charges, Riley and Geary County

Since the legalization of Marijuana by neighboring state, Colorado, the number of felony drug traffic and drug distribution charges in Riley County and Geary County have increased significantly as patrols on I70 K-9 units of Geary County Sheriff's Department have increased.  Felony drug trafficking charges range in severity depending the amount of drugs in question.

In Kansas, a Possession with Intent to Distribute charge falls into one of four drug felony categories.  Level 1 drug felonies are the most severe in terms of penalty. Level 5 is least severe.  Typically if there is a charge for possession with intent to distribute the lowest level charged will be a level 4 drug felony. 

The amount of illegal drugs will dictate how high up the felony will be charged.  If a person has more than 1 Kilogram of Cocaine, more than 100 Grams of Meth or Heroin, or more than 30 Kilograms of Marijuana you can expect to be facing a severity level 1 drug felony - the most severe drug felony.  A person with no record whatsoever, if facing a level 1 felony, could expect to see a prison sentence between 138 months and 204 months depending on their criminal history.

If you or someone you know is facing any felony drug charge contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Manhattan, Kansas to begin work to protect your rights and defend you from these allegations.  The sooner you secure representation the better we can defend your rights and protect your interests.

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