Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Expungement Fee in Manhattan Municipal Court

An expungement in Manhattan Municipal Court is a way you request that your record be cleared of a conviction or multiple convictions stemming from the same case number. As of October 1, 2013 a $60 fee will be charged to file an expungement through the Manhattan Municipal Court.  Previous to October 1, 2013 costs of an expungement in the Manhattan Municipal Court has been free.

Before contacting a Kansas attorney for more information on the proper course of action to file for an expungement, you will need to gather some information to assist in the process. For the list of information as well as more information on expungements, please see our blog entries on Geary County Expungement and Junction City Expungement.

Once a Kansas expungement attorney has this information they can help you obtain a fresh start by expunging your old charges and convictions. For more information and a free consultation, contact a Kansas Expungement Attorney in the Manhattan, Kansas area.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Heavy DUI patrol in Riley County, Kansas

Tonight the Riley County Police Department has planned a Saturation Patrol in the Manhattan and surrounding areas. This is the sixth one of its kind this year. The Saturation Patrol is a surplus of officers that are keeping an eye out for impaired driving and other traffic violations. With that being said, designate a sober driver, call a cab, phone a friend, or walk.

If you do find yourself in any form of legal trouble, contact a Riley County Attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the best outcome to your case. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Geary County Expungement and Junction City Expungement

In Kansas, an expungement is the way to clear your record of a particular conviction or numerous convictions that stem from the same case number. If you want a fresh start or are you trying to rid yourself of past run-in’s with the law in Geary County or Junction City, and expungement is the way to do it.
Before you contact a Kansas attorney for your Geary County or Junction City Expungement, you will need to be prepared with the following information to assist your attorney with a speedy resolution to your case:
1.      The name you were arrested under and your date of birth
2.      Your current address
3.      The court or county in which you were arrested
4.      Your court case number OR if you don’t know it the approximate year of your arrest.
5.      Have you been in trouble with the law since your conviction?
6.      The date of the termination of your probation/sentence/diversion.

The cost for filing an expungement in the Riley County District Court and in the Geary County District Court is $119.00. These prices are subject to change as each court raises their prices from year to year, so always check with a local attorney that can give you an exact amount.  Attorney's fees can also vary widely depending on the type of case, number of convictions, and number of expungements that need to be filed.

Once a Kansas expungement attorney has this information, it becomes a much easier process for them to assist you. For more information and a free consultation, contact a Kansas Expungement Attorney in your area. The knowledge and skill of your legal counsel can make a major difference in the outcome of your new beginning.