Friday, June 27, 2014

Country Stampede in Riley and Pottawatomie County

Country Stampede 2014 is upon us.  It's a time for country music and usually a lot of alcohol consumption.  As such it's one of the busiest times of year for the RCPD and local law enforcement. During Country Stampede, officers from the Kansas Highway Patrol also help enforcement.  Many Minor in Consumption and Minor in Possession tickets will be issued.  

As a minor, trying to avoid situations where you may be caught with alcohol in your hand whether the container is open or closed.  This could include coolers of beer.  Minor in Possession (MIP) and Minor in Consumption (MIC) is a great way to ruin your Country Stampede experience. Don't forget, you have the right to remain silent, so before you say anything to incriminate yourself, tell them you will only be speaking to your attorney. 

DUI charges are another frequent incident at Country Stampede.   In the State of Kansas, to be convicted of Driving Under the Influence citation or a D.U.I., an individual must have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level above a 0.08 or be under the influence to a degree that renders you unable to safely operate a vehicle.  For many people that can be one or two standard size drinks over the span of a couple hours! Before the celebrating begins, designate a sober driver or agree on taking a taxi because being charged with a D.U.I. can dramatically change your life. After receiving a D.U.I., you only have 14 days to request a driver’s license hearing to preserve your driving privileges. it's best to immediately contact an experienced DUI attorney in Manhattan, Kansas to begin the process of defending you. 

Legal trouble can have harsh consequences that will affect your future. It is important to know you rights and plan ahead! However, if you do find yourself in need of a lawyer, you should contact a knowledgeable Riley and Pottawatomie County attorney to assist with your legal needs.

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