Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Heavy DUI Patrol in Riley County, Kansas

As the school year comes to a close, the Riley County Police Department will be conducting a DUI Saturation Patrol on Friday, May 16, 2014 in the Manhattan area.
At a Saturation Patrol officers will be looking for signs of driving under the influence due to alcohol or drugs, as well as other traffic violations. This DUI Saturation Patrol in the Manhattan area is the first in a series of five that will be conducted this year.   

If you do find yourself in any form of legal trouble, contact an experienced Manhattan, Kansas Attorney for more information and a free consultation. The knowledge of a Manhattan, Kansas DUI attorney can help you with your criminal charges.   

If you are facing DUI charges in Junction City, our services are also offered in Geary County and at the Junction City Municipal Court.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Manhattan, KS Weekend DUI Checkpoint – May 10, 2014

This weekend the Riley County Police Department will be having a sobriety checkpoint somewhere in the City of Manhattan. The checkpoint will begin Saturday, May 10, 2014 and will continue into the morning ours of Sunday, May 11, 2014.  If you approach this DUI checkpoint and the officers suspect that you are above the legal limit, an on-site field sobriety test will be given.  

The following things could give the officers suspicion that you are under the influence: admitting to consuming alcohol, watery bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, odor of intoxicants, and driving infractions. 

If you are arrested for DUI you will be given a citation and a notice to appear in the Manhattan Municipal Court or the Riley County District Court.   You will also have 14 days from the day of your citation to request an administrative hearing to preserve your driving privileges.

If you think you maybe too impaired to drive, call a taxi or designate a sober friend before the night of fun begins. If you do happen to receive a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) citation, contact a knowledgeable Manhattan area attorney so they can begin to preserve your driving privileges and help you reach a speedy resolution to a DUI that could have lasting affects on your life.