Friday, August 3, 2012

DUI Friday - K-State Edition

It's once again time for DUI Friday.  In last week's DUI Friday we talked about what it means when you get a first, second, or third DUI.  This week it's all about the driver's license hearing.

The driver's license hearing, or administrative hearing, is the hearing which you must request within 14 days of your getting a DUI in Manhattan, KS.  You must also send in a $50.00 administrative hearing request fee.

All these things are outlined in fine print for you on the back of your DUI ticket, however few people actually read, acknowledge, or understand what they need to do to preserve their driving privileges.  What I mean when I say "to preserve your driving privileges" I mean that if you don't send in an Admin hearing request within the allotted time, and with the $50.00, you driver's license is immediately suspended.

When you live in Kansas, commuting via motor vehicle is essential to carry out general business.  Our populations are too spread out and our public transportation system far to ineffective and inefficient to get you where you need to go.  Losing your driver's license in Kansas because of DUI often means you must bother coworkers or family members to get you to work and back or otherwise you're forced walk vast distances daily to maintain your livelihood.

If you're facing losing your driver's license in Kansas because of a DUI, contact a lawyer in Manhattan, KS that can preserve your driving privileges and protect your rights as soon as possible.

And my final words to you K-Staters coming back to classes for fall semester: Don't use campus as a shortcut or as "back roads" on your way home at 2 a.m. 

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